Thursday, 3 June 2010

Thick Sheet

I have been working on cutting out the thick sheet parts. The way I have chosen to do it is by printing out the templates from the original dxf. I used Paint Shop Pro to open the dxf files, though for some reason it didn't seem to preserve the scaling so I had to the then scale the pictures to get them to the correct size, (I hope I got it accurate enough!). I then glued the templates to the thick sheet so I could cut around them and drill the correct holes. I found I could also import the dxf files into SketchUp see below for the thick sheet models I have created from the dxfs and put into google's 3d warehouse.

I am making the thick sheet parts from 6mm thick MDF bought from B&Q for less than £4. I have cut them out using a jigsaw and junior hacksaw, finished using a Dremel and sand paper.

RepRap Mendel Thick Sheet Motherboard Plate:

3D model by James
RepRap Mendel Thick Sheet Motherboard Plate 6mm thick. Converted from the dxf drawing files provided @ To find out more about the reprap...

RepRap Mendel Thick Sheet Stepper Plate:

3D model by James
RepRap Mendel Thick Sheet Stepper Plate 6mm thick. Converted from the dxf drawing files provided @ To find out more about the reprap...

RepRap Mendel Thick Sheet Purge Plate: "

3D model by James
RepRap Mendel Thick Sheet Purge Plate 6mm thick. Converted from the dxf drawing files provided @ To find out more about the reprap project...

RepRap Mendel Thick Sheet Bed:

3D model by James
RepRap Mendel Thick Sheet Bed 6mm thick. Converted from the dxf drawing files provided @ To find out more about the reprap project...

RepRap Mendel Thick Sheet y-chasis squashed frog:

3D model by James
RepRap Mendel Thick Sheet y-chasis squashed frog 6mm thick. Converted from the dxf drawing files provided @ To find out more about the...

1 comment:

  1. i need your help to build the mendel, is there any way i can contact you??
